Last night while I was looking for movies to watch, I ended up coming across the movie by the name of “Turning 30”.

A Bollywood movie but with a very modern touch (read English language audio and having target audience as the urban youth). Some people call these movies as Art movies, mostly because they are often not meant to generating huge revenues, are mostly small budget movies and mostly bringing forward some kind of social concern, are having some under lying meaning. Turning 30, a movie with a very sorry rating on IMDb showed a woman who was approaching the age of 30 and finding it difficult to balance her emotional trauma and discrimination at work place. Being single at the age of 30, she is fighting with her parents' pressure to get her married, a movie that also shows that women too smoke, dope, drink and are bold enough to go to bachelorette parties.
For me, my favorite genre of movies is action-adventure, crime and sometimes horror, definitely not Rom-coms, and least of all, just roms.

so you can imagine my dearth of movies that I had to pick a romantic drama movie. However, the only motivation that I gathered before starting was that the lead actress was Gul Panag, a very beautiful actress from bollywood.

Another thing here got me thinking, why do people (mostlty the women folk and occasionally us guys unless coaxed into it) watch romantic movies? I watched it because my movie marathon yesterday already had had a high dosage of adrenaline pumping, gun trotting action adventure movies. I'm only human to be seeking a variety!!
Why do romantic movies from Hollywood and Bollywood do so well in terms of generating revenue? From my perspective, they give hope to individuals that even they have a chance at meeting someone "special" in life. People want companionship and these movies show them that it is possible.
Often the plot for such movies revolves around a few tried and tested basic concepts such as the following-
1. Two very different people (mostly because of financial reasons, but social standing may also come into picture) meet for first time and one likes the other while the other abhors the idea of love with that person. Soon events take a turn in such a way that they end up meeting more often and getting to know each other better and so on until they
live happily ever after.
2. A “happy” couple has a very close relationship and one of them (mostly the guy, though not always) is seen to be infidel and so the relationship breaks, the protagonist comes into the life of the heart broken and they build relation based on trust and unconditional love for one another and
live happily ever after.
3. Typical love at first sight (but this never seems to happen with me or my friends). Initially some challenges to the relationship such as parental approvals, long distance and so on. But eventually the pair makes it work and then
live happily ever after.
4. A combo of the above three, often these type of love stories are either too complicated to follow or become highly predictable.
So why write a blog-post about what most people already know? I’m sure that these broad categories are quite obvious to most people. Though the movie genre of “Turning 30” did not fit my traditional taste of movie watching, I found it a decent movie. Mainly because of the issues that it brought forward, and also, I saw a non-action movie after a really long time. The editing (mainly the high pitched audio of most women in the movie) could have been controlled (to make it less irritating), and the ending of the movie could have also been lot better. Movie makers need to do something about making movies being too predictable.
Also, I want to know if any of the above types of movies actually reflect what happens in real life. So in other words, how real is reel?
PS: The movie “turning 30” is basically type 2 from the list above