Monday, December 8, 2008 i a theist now?

A particular thing that has always been a topic of debate or conflict within me is about being an atheist or a theist. I always used to hate god. Used to claim that he does not exist cause if he did, there would not be so much injustice in this world. But for a year now, i feel that god does exist. Though y opinion about the injustice in the world has not changed. I still feel that there is a lot of injustice. But now I feel that may be god has his way. May be he has something in store for me and everyone else. May be he has some elaborate plan and he does everything according to that plan. What ever happens, happens according to that plan. I don't know if god exists, but I would like to believe he does. I was an atheist. Now i am not. I am a theist now. But i don't follow any specific religion. I was born in a Hindu family. I go to temples, I sometimes go to a church too. But for me , god doesn't have a form. I have not given up non vegetarian food items. I still have the same old habits. the only difference is, I don't curse god every time. I say," God, what do you have in mind? If you have given me some trouble today, please help me out tomorrow." I always have a hope. Earlier I used to just get angry with the chain of events. now I do get disappointed but i don't lose hope. I still complain to god. But I don't curse him. I used to earlier. I am not a god fearing man. I am just a god believing man. I used to be a god hating man earlier. I do not think I have any regrets, I just think that if god is watching, he would make everything alright in the end.
I do get disappointed with thing that I don't like or with the outcomes of various other things whee I had my hopes set high, but I try to convince myself that in the everything is gonna be alright. I would love to believe it, but at time I wonder again,"does god actually exist or am I just trying to console myself with some stupid notion?
Right now, I am a bit upset. A lot has happened in the last few days to disappoint me. But I have not yet started cursing god. I hope things don't get worse. Had all this been happening a year back, I would have probably cursed god, blamed the whole world for something. Hated myself and maybe gone into solitude for sometime. I am no doing that and I hope I don't end up doing it either.

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