Dear B-school aspiring students,
Today, we will try to analyze the CWG with help of an analogy to a birthday party.
The CWG has a very close resembles to the birthday party of a student in a hostel. Metaphorically of course.
Let me show you how, CWG had one scapegoat (Kal-mad) and hostel birthday parties have the birthday boy. Both get dirty without wanting to and get a good beating in be it physical or through the CBI (again, metaphorically of course). Now the beating can be kicks on the ass or being kicked into the Tihar.
In both the cases, there are some close people to the birthday boy (or the scapegoat) who also get pulled in for a beating. For example, I got a bit beaten up as the room mate of the birthday boy last night. Similarly, the close aides of Kal-mad were also getting their own share of beating.
A lot of people turn up in the hope of getting a piece of the cake or an aim for a cut (or a share of the free flowing money), but not all are able to get any action. This is because there are some people who are standing close to the birthday boy who get a big share of the tempting thing in front of them. And whoever is close makes sure that they dig into the tempting, mouth watering pie before anyone else is able to. (And trust me; getting a share is a very difficult thing). Those who get a piece of the pie are often not to be found later on, but hey, it was fun.
A lot of people get a bit drenched in the after math, when people are angry and trying to pull the spectators in as well. Such as the water buckets being flung across at the crowd. This part is mostly fun because everyone who is a target, runs, but gets at least partly wet, just like in the CWG case, there were people who were getting wet with allegations.
So, I wish that anyone trying to understand CWG should at least visit the hostel birthday party once. You will get a close picture.
nice forgot to mention the separate cut available in private parties :-P
Nice one yaar....
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