Sometime back while talking to my sister, the name Tzinga came up in the conversation and I asked her what it was. The name Tzinga intrigued me, a queer name in my opinion. So when a friend of mine brought up this name again, I was inclined to know more about it, and he told me about this company that is relatively new and trying to compete in the small but fast growing segment of Energy drinks in India. Considering that it's products reasonably priced(Red Bull is overpriced at Rs75+/Can for no apparant reason - No sudden boost of energy I think), I thought I can give it a shot when I go to the market. Besides the way they are marketing the product, one does'nt stand a chance to miss out atleast a glimpse of the Posters. I thought that the packaging (pouch with a spout) was a bit funny at first but I guess that’s something that adds a “Zing” to the whole thing(thinking different and out of the box is all that counts).
So last night at around 10:30 PM, when I had plans to watch a movie and sleep off by midnight, I wanted to grab a snack before I start the movie. While picking out some left-overS from dinner and microwaving it, I rummaged through the fridge only to find the Tzinga in one corner. I thought to myself; let me try a sip with my late night snack of left-overs, and pulled out the drink from the fridge. My sister who was planning to work till late night on her assignment came from her room to grab a snack herself and mentioned that she needed to pull an all-nighter (despite the day being a Sunday, I wondered why people can't enjoy on the last day before a work week). I offered to share the drink with her (Plus, I was hoping that the huge amounts of sugar and caffeine would get divided and hopefully I won’t feel guilty) and mentioned that this may be an ideal opportunity to test if the drink can prove to be as an energy booster. I was quite confident, that a small quantity of 200ML divided between two people is not going to give an energy kick. I guess I was probably a bit wrong. I don’t know if my sister was able to pull her all-nighter(i just spoke to her briefly about her all-nighter attempt in the morning), but I definitely was up till around 1:45AM. I had plans to doze off by 12. So either the drink or the movie or both were the key ingredients in keeping me up till late. Maybe someday I might be able to skip the movie and might need to pull an all-nighter, that day I would try the drink and write another short description of the experience in helping me stay awake. That day I could verify if the claim of 5-Hour energy boost on a 200ML pouch holds true.
Attaching a picture I took before having the tropical flavor here, since I knew this kind of packaging is really interesting and worth sharing here.

The drink had a very different taste (let me add; for an energy drink). It tasted a bit like mixed fruit(Funny, i thought it was an energy drink that was supposed to feel like tonic), with a little bit of bitter taste, (much less bitter than Red Bull). I am not clear on the composition; however, if Red Bull and Tzinga are to be compared, there is no doubt that taste wise Tzinga comes as a winner. I had thought that the caffeine content in it would probably be resulting in a much bitter taste, but it didn’t, and the caffeine taste was well, almost non-existent. However, it was very sweet; something that I don’t think is the case with Red Bull (despite Red Bull having a very high sugar content). Comparison with Gatorade will be a bit difficult since I have not tried Gatorade ever. I’m not sure how people are viewing this as an energy drink. People abroad often take Gatorade as a sports/workout drink to help with their electrolyte levels. Not sure how Tzinga fares on that front. Remember, I had the drink at late night, not the best time to test its energy level, unless you are studying/working late at night and need support to help you stay awake.
1 comment:
Zinga is really amazing, it is really different as compared to other energy drinks.
Moreover its is very easy to drink because of its unique shape. I take it usually when i have to study till late hours.
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