Saturday, May 10, 2014

Gender bender situation?

I normally hate reality television. I find it absurd and melodramatic just to gain those high ratings. However a friend of mine who seems to follow some of these shows told me about this program called Emotional Atyachar, where they focus on couples in a relationship and their fights. My friend specifically spoke about situations where relationships were going great and one partner wants to break away completely. The funny aspect that my friend told me here was that it is the women who usually break up the relationship than the men. I shared my opinion that most likely the guys must have been jerks who may have been harassing the girl and hence the girl may be forced to break up the relationship. I happen to be an old school kinda guy. If in a relationship, both the partners are treating each other well, there shouldn’t be much of a reason for them to split. Obviously I am assuming that there are no external factors such as social pressures.
But in this reality television, the main reason for breaking up the relationship is loss of interest. One partner (surprisingly mostly women) just lose interest. This breakup is nothing to do with one partner cheating or beating the other (tried to make it rhyme you see!!). Loss of interest or finding another better looking partner, doesn’t seem like a likely scenario. And that’s where my friend told me I was wrong. She told me that this happens in real life more frequently than one would like to admit. She even shared examples from among her friends on the college campus.
With no intension of offending the fairer sex, I am a bit taken aback by the change in the relationship dynamics these days. I always considered that with the criticism and the flak that men receive, usually they are the guilty ones in a relationship. They are the ones who are likely to cheat or take the relationship for granted, but my friend told me it’s the other way round also pretty frequently.
Based on what I have personally seen recently, I can hardly argue with my friend. But at this point, I would like to question both the genders out there, “Is it justified that even after all this, men are the ones to usually get the blame in a relationship?” OR, “Why are the adjectives MCP – Male Chauvinistic Pigs, reserved for just one gender?”

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